3 Important Reminders for Fashion Entrepreneurs

December 3, 2020

The fashion industry is extremely competitive, with new small businesses entering the market extremely often, customers have a ton of variety, which means competition is tough. This, along with sustainable fashion trends, are really keeping clothing brands on their toes about what the customers they cater to prefer.

Yes, it’s easy to break into the industry, but you need something that will get you a loyal customer base and set you apart from competitors. Here are three tips for your budding fashion business:

Find a Reliable Manufacturer:

Finding a reliable manufacturer, whether it be women’s wear, active wear or lingerie is extremely important. Fashion is all about the details, so its best to give the job of manufacturing to someone who has been in the business for a while. Customers are quick to pick up defects or faults in the clothing, which means you’d have to be extra careful if you were manufacturing yourself.

Manufacturing companies often have laser cutting technology that cuts to precision. In order to give your customers the best cuts, it’s always better to opt for manufacturers like us, at Lefty Production Co. to turn your designs into a reality.

A woman shopping at a women’s wear brand.

Have an Online Sales Channel:

Online sales make up around 38% of the entire sales in the apparel industry. This is a significant chunk of customers that you don’t want to miss out on. If you’re launching a new business, make sure it has a functional website for those who’d rather shop online than in a brick and mortar store. Also, make sure your website is mobile friendly, because 40% of all e-commerce sales are made through smartphones. This means that if your clothing brand’s website is not mobile-friendly, you’re likely to lose out on a large number of consumers.

Consult Those with Experience:

There’s no better way to learn than from someone who has been in the business longer than you have. They’ve already made mistakes, or seen them being made, so they can guide you in the right direction. Most fashion consultants can advise you regarding designs, branding, marketing and all other aspects of the business.

At Lefty Production Co. we can help you make the right choices. From women’s and men’s wear manufacturing to fashion consultancy, we can help you every step of the way.

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