How To Do Quality Control In CMT Production

June 30, 2023

CMT production is one of the most widely used production methods in the world. Find out how a manufacturer maintains quality control in CMT.

The garment manufacturing process happens in two major ways: FPP (full package production) and CMT (cut, make, trim). The former requires all steps of apparel production to happen in-house, while the latter only requires the garment to be produced in-house. Since CMT production outsources a few steps of the manufacturing processes, it begs the question of how the manufacturer maintains quality. We discuss this in this blog.

What Is CMT Production?

The CMT manufacturing process only allows the cutting, making, and trimming of garments to happen in-house. All processes happening before cutting and after trimming are outsourced. This type of manufacturing can help the business cut costs effectively. For example, if you’re a designer who is working with a CMT manufacturer, you have to provide them with the fabric, designs, patterns, tech packs, and production requirements.

The manufacturer then uses the materials and information you provided to produce garments. Cutting is the process of cutting the fabric, and making is the stitching step. After the product is made, it is gone over and “trimmed” as a quality measure before being sent for packaging.

Quality Control In CMT Production

CMT manufacturers ensure quality control by taking thorough information from designers before production and maintaining products as per that information up until the trimming step. The following sections discuss it in detail.

Thorough Input From Designers

As a designer, it is expected that you communicate all your product requirements to the manufacturer thoroughly. The apparel factory is bound to meet all your reasonable needs for product quality. Since you source the textile for production, it is on you to give them quality raw materials.

Their responsibility lies in the cut, make, and trim parts done in-house. Since the CMT production factories specialize in these steps, this is usually done with efficiency, given they have ample input from the designer.



A sewing machine stitching clothes.

Trimming is the last process before the garments are sent for packaging. Trimming ensures any problematic stitches are taken out, loose threads are cut, and faulty sizes are separated before the apparel is sent forward.

CMT production, when managed well, can create a system of accountability within a factory to ensure quality control.

We are an athletic, athleisure, and swimwear apparel manufacturers in Los Angeles who works with designers in a hands-on approach and helps in all stages of garment production, from sourcing and design to garment stitching. Our associates provide consultation to designers based on their experience in the field. Get an appointment with apparel manufacturing companies today!

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