Making Fashion Sustainable: All You Need to Know

July 5, 2021

Sustainability is one of the biggest challenges that the fashion industry faces currently. As indicated by a recent study, water consumption is expected to increase by 50% for the fashion industry in 2030! Isn’t that scary?

While brands and consumers have taken some serious steps to sustain the fashion industry, the progress seems slow. In this blog, we’ve compiled how recent consumer trends can make the fashion industry sustainable in the coming years.

1. Second-Hand Shopping

According to a study, the second-hand clothing market reported a net worth of $24 billion in 2018 and is projected to cross $64 billion in the coming decade.

The industry is growing tremendously, and its primary driving force is the changing values and priorities of the millennials. Thrifters opt for second-hand clothing and accessories to reduce the production of new apparel and exhaustion of natural resources.

Assorted hanging apparel in a clothing company

2. Custom Clothing Purchase

In recent years, the custom clothing industry has witnessed a boom due to rising eco-conscious consumer demands. After all, consumer choices matter the most in the world of brands and consumerism.

Retailers and fashion brands are taking up all their efforts to provide the best customer shopping experience. Additionally, customized clothing items are more stylish, unique, and trendy with perfect fits. This trend of custom clothing is an attempt to make the fashion industry more sustainable by reducing fabric waste.

3. Ethical and Cruelty-Free Fashion

The fashion industry is the biggest culprit for hurting the planet, animals, and labor rights. That’s why ‘ethical and cruelty-free fashion’ have become the new buzz words in the fashion industry.

Consumers are switching to brands that provide them stylish attires and clothing items without compromising the lives of animals, laborers, and the planet. Due to these shifts in consumer demands, retailers and brands are making their business supply chains more sustainable.

4. Reduce, Repair, and Recycle

Consumers and fashion businesses are actively advocating the ‘Reduce, Repair, and Recycle’ idea. Big fashion enterprises are seen integrating sustainability in their models by using reused consumer items and by-products for manufacturing something new. Some also source organic raw materials for clothing production.

Not only does it help in reducing their carbon footprint, but it also slows down the rate of natural resources depletion.

5. Green Fashion

The fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to global pollution. So, green fashion is the future.

Under the clean and green fashion concept, products are manufactured with renewable natural resources and non-toxic ingredients that don’t endanger the environment and animals. Consumers are lovingly embracing this fashion trend to make fashion more sustainable in the future.

At Lefty Production Co., sustainability is our priority. From sourcing organic raw materials to minimizing fabric wastage, our clothing manufacturing industry complies with the current sustainable standards of the fashion industry.

To hire design, development, and consultation services of our fashion pattern makers, contact us today!

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