The Game Changers And The Trend Setters: Fashion Bloggers
High fashion is no longer an exclusive club. The emergence and skyrocketing popularity of fashion bloggers has changed the world of haute couture for good.
Fashion’s biggest holiday, New York Fashion Week, is no longer accessible to the fashion-hungry public only through print magazines and designer photographs. Fashion bloggers live-stream non-stop coverage on their Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Twitter accounts so we are mesmerized by NYFW-grade designs right on our phones.
In the world of social media influencers, fashion bloggers are top dog. They’ve received celebrity status for their magnetic online presence and sought-after opinions on trendy designs.
Here’s why fashion bloggers matter to the fashion industry.
Brands Need Them
In the increasingly interconnected online world of today where content is king and a post can go viral within a matter of seconds, fashion bloggers and influencers are quick and easy access for brands to millions of people.
Brands pay bloggers and influencers to wear their clothes on their social media accounts. According to Mediakix, the influencer marketing industry is set to be a $5–$10 billion market in the next five years.
Brands spent $1.7 billion on Instagram influencer marketing alone. With such figures in mind, fashion bloggers aren’t to be taken lightly. With tens of millions of followers, their reach and marketing potential is unparalleled.
They’re Relatable
While they may be earning up to $100,000 for their posts, fashion bloggers aren’t fashion brands themselves. They aren’t the product themselves. They are like everyday consumers who wear the clothes they like and share their opinions on them in stunning photographs and videos.
Not all their posts are advertisements; many are just posting and writing about the trends and styles they follow. This attracts people. They want to see people who are like them suggest clothes and accessories.
If you own a trendy fashion brand, you need industry professionals to partner with. A long-standing and reliable garment production company is one of the best ways to achieve the goals you want for your company.
Lefty Production Co. has partnered with designers, retailers, and fashion brands of all kinds. In addition to sourcing, design and production solutions, we can also help our clients with the marketing and branding of their companies.
If you require a fabric design consultation Los Angeles, accessory or garment sample making or full scale production in Los Angeles, get in touch with us. Call +1(323)515-9266.